What is the Nasa Space API?
NASA is opening up a world of possibilities with the NASA Space API — an innovative platform that grants access to a vast collection of space-related data and resources. This powerful API allows developers, researchers, and space enthusiasts to tap into NASA’s extensive repositories, unlocking new insights and fueling advancements in space science. With seamless access to satellite imagery, astronomical observations, and mission details, the NASA Space API is revolutionizing the way we explore the cosmos.
Nasa Space App Introduction
The application consists of 3 menus: APOD (Astronomy Picture of the Day), Mars Rover Photos and EPIC (Earth Polychromatic Imaging Camera).
The application was developed using the MVVM architecture. The most important libraries of the Android world such as Retrofit, Room database, Dagger-Hilt and Glide are used. Fragments brought on the navigation structure have been developed in accordance with the lifecycle structure.
APOD Screen
Data Class
Create variables for API data.
@Entity(tableName = "apod")
data class Astronomy(
@PrimaryKey(autoGenerate = true)
val id : Int,
val astronomyTitle : String,
val astronomyDate : String,
val astronomyExplanation : String,
val astronomyImage : String?
API Service
Using retrofit GET method for NASA API data.
suspend fun getAstronomersFromAPI(@Query("api_key") apiKey : String) : Response<List<Astronomy>>
Room Dao
Rom integration for offline use of the application and not making continuous API requests.
interface AstronomyDao {
@Insert(onConflict = OnConflictStrategy.REPLACE)
suspend fun saveAstronomyData(astronomyList : List<Astronomy>)
@Query("DELETE FROM apod")
suspend fun deleteAllAstronomyData()
@Query("SELECT * FROM apod")
suspend fun getAllAstronomyData() : List<Astronomy>
We transfer all the information we collect in the background of the Repository file to the ViewModel.
interface AstronomyRepository {
suspend fun getAstronomyDataFromRepository() : List<Astronomy>?
suspend fun updateAstronomyDataFromRepository() : List<Astronomy>?
We make it ready to be used on the fragment.
class AstronomyViewModel(
private val getAstronomyUseCase: GetAstronomyUseCase,
private val updateAstronomyUseCase: UpdateAstronomyUseCase
) : ViewModel() {
fun getAstronomyData() = liveData {
val astronomyList = getAstronomyUseCase.execute()
fun updateAstronomyData() = liveData {
val astronomyList = updateAstronomyUseCase.execute()
Mars Rover Screen
Data Class
Create variables for API data.
data class MarsRover(
@PrimaryKey(autoGenerate = true)
val dataId: Int,
val dataMarsRover: List<MarsRoverDetail>
API Service
Using retrofit GET method for NASA API data.
suspend fun getMarsRoverDataFromAPI(
@Query("page") page : Int,
@Query("api_key") apiKey: String
) : Response<MarsRover>
Room Dao
Rom integration for offline use of the application and not making continuous API requests.
interface MarsRoverDao {
@Insert(onConflict = OnConflictStrategy.REPLACE)
suspend fun saveMarsRoverData(astronomyList : List<MarsRoverDetail>)
@Query("DELETE FROM marsroverdetail")
suspend fun deleteAllMarsRoverData()
@Query("SELECT * FROM marsroverdetail")
suspend fun getAllMarsRoverData() : List<MarsRoverDetail>
We transfer all the information we collect in the background of the Repository file to the ViewModel.
interface MarsRoverRepository {
suspend fun getMarsRoverDataFromRepository(page : Int) : List<MarsRoverDetail>?
suspend fun updateMarsRoverDataFromRepository(page : Int) : List<MarsRoverDetail>?
We make it ready to be used on the fragment.
class MarsRoverViewModel(
private val getMarsRoverUseCase : GetMarsRoverUseCase,
private val updateMarsRoverUseCase: UpdateMarsRoverUseCase
) : ViewModel() {
fun getMarsRoverData(page : Int) = liveData {
val marsRoveData = getMarsRoverUseCase.execute(page)
fun updateMarsRoverData(page : Int) = liveData {
val marsRoveData = updateMarsRoverUseCase.execute(page)
EPIC (Earth Polychromatic Imaging Camera) Screen
Data Class
Create variables for API data.
class Earth : ArrayList<EarthDetail>()
@Entity(tableName = "earthdetail")
data class EarthDetail(
val earthId : Long,
val earthCaption: String,
val earthImageCode: String,
val earthCentroidCoordinates: EarthCentroidCoordinates,
val earthDscovrJ2000Position: EarthDscovrJ2000PositionX,
val earthAttitudeQuaternions: EarthAttitudeQuaternions,
val earthLunarJ2000Position: EarthLunarJ2000PositionX,
val earthSunJ2000Position: EarthSunJ2000PositionX,
val earthDate: String
API Service
Using retrofit GET method for NASA API data.
suspend fun getEarthFromAPI(
@Path("today_date") todayDate: String,
@Query("api_key") apiKey: String
) : Response<Earth>
Room Dao
Rom integration for offline use of the application and not making continuous API requests.
interface EarthDao {
@Insert(onConflict = OnConflictStrategy.REPLACE)
suspend fun saveEarthData(astronomyList : List<EarthDetail>)
@Query("DELETE FROM earthdetail")
suspend fun deleteAllEarthData()
@Query("SELECT * FROM earthdetail")
suspend fun getAllEarthData() : List<EarthDetail>
We transfer all the information we collect in the background of the Repository file to the ViewModel.
interface EarthRepository {
suspend fun getEarthDataFromRepository(todayDate : String) : List<EarthDetail>?
We make it ready to be used on the fragment.
class EarthViewModel(
private val getEarthUseCase: GetEarthUseCase
) : ViewModel() {
fun getEarthData(todayDate : String) = liveData {
val earthList = getEarthUseCase.execute(todayDate)
I hope it was useful. You can follow me on my social media accounts.