Kotlin Pair and Triple | Android Introduction #24
In this reading, you will learn more about Present Pair and Triple classes and learn to use the to function.
Pair and Triple
In some cases, you need to represent a pair of values. For that, a class you can use is the Pair class. This is a data class with two constructor properties, you do not need to define it, as it is distributed with Kotlin.
In the below example, a pair with values of type Double and Char is created. You can read those values using first and second properties. You can also destructure it into variables.
fun main() {
val pair = Pair(1.0, 'A')
println(pair.first) // 1.0
println(pair.second) // A
val (number, letter) = pair
// the type of number is Double
// the type of letter is Char
println(number) // 1.0
println(letter) // A
There is also another way to create a pair: by placing the to function between two values. The result is a pair of those two values.
fun main() {
val pair = 1.0 to 'A'
println(pair.first) // 1.0
println(pair.second) // A
val (number, letter) = pair
// the type of number is Double
// the type of letter is Char
println(number) // 1.0
println(letter) // A
Another such class is called Triple, and it is used to keep three values on properties first, second and third.
fun main() {
val pair = Triple(1F, "ABC", true)
println(pair.first) // 1.0
println(pair.second) // ABC
println(pair.third) // true
val (number, letters, boolean) = pair
// the type of number is Double
// the type of letters is Char
// the type of boolean is Boolean
println(number) // 1.0
println(letters) // ABC
println(boolean) // true
In this reading, you learned more about Kotlin Pair and Triple classes. 👏🏻💯