Kotlin Default & Named Arguments | Android Introduction #17

3 min readJan 18, 2024


In this reading, you will be introduced to default arguments and named arguments.


Default Arguments

One very useful Kotlin possibility is to define default arguments. For example, imagine that you implement a function to open a web browser. However, browsers can be opened in normal or incognito mode, so, in your function definition, you should have a parameter that specifies which mode should be used.

fun openBrowser(url: String, incognitoMode: Boolean) {

println("Opening $url" + if (incognitoMode) " in incognito mode" else "")

// ...


// Usage

fun main() {

openBrowser("website1.com", false) // Opening website1.com

openBrowser("website2.com", false) // Opening website2.com

openBrowser("website3.com", true) // Opening website3.com in incognito mode

However, in most cases, you do not want this function to specify false for incognito mode. It should be used by default. To make that possible, you should specify the default value after the parameter definition.

fun openBrowser(url: String, incognitoMode: Boolean = false) {

println("Opening $url" + if (incognitoMode) " in incognito mode" else "")

// ...


// Usage

fun main() {

openBrowser("website1.com") // Opening website1.com

openBrowser("website2.com") // Opening website2.com

openBrowser("website3.com", true) // Opening website3.com in incognito mode

You can specify default arguments for all the positions you want. Here is an example function with default arguments for both its parameters of type String.

fun cheer(how: String = "Hello, ", who: String = "World") {

print("$how $who")

fun main() {

cheer() // Hello, World

cheer("Hi ") // Hi World

cheer("Hi ", "Learner") // Hi Learner

Although you can specify arguments for whatever parameter positions you want, you might be wondering what you can do if you only want to specify the argument for the who parameter. This parameter is at the second position, so to specify it without specifying the arguments for the previous positions, you need to use named arguments.

Named Arguments

When you call a function inside a parenthesis, you can specify arguments according to the order of the parameters that are associated. That’s the default way of calling a function, but there is also another option: for each argument, you can explicitly specify what parameter is associated. You do that by introducing parameter names and the equal sign in front of a parameter. When you do that, arguments do not need to be in parameter order.

fun cheer(how: String = "Hello, ", who: String = "World") {

print("$how $who")

fun main() {

cheer(how = "Hi ") // Hi World

cheer(who = "Learner") // Hello, Learner

cheer(how = "Hi ", who = "Learner") // Hi Learner

cheer(who = "Learner", how = "Hi ") // Hi Learner

The primary reason for using named arguments is to improve readability — you explicitly state what the meaning of an argument is when it might not be obvious to the person reading your code. The other reason to use it is when you want to specify arguments for parameters at further positions without specifying arguments for the earlier position. For example, when you call cheer(who = “Learner”), you specify who without specifying how.

İbrahim Can Erdoğan








Written by ibrahimcanerdogan

Hi, My name is Ibrahim, I am developing ebebek android app within Ebebek. I publish various articles in the field of programming and self-improvement.

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