Dagger-Hilt Module and Provides Annotations #4

3 min readMay 20, 2023


Photo by Makarios Tang on Unsplash

Helloo, In this article, we will talk about the Provides annotation used in modules.

The @Provides annotation is used in the context of dependency injection frameworks, such as Hilt for Android, to declare a method that provides instances of certain dependencies. It is typically used in conjunction with the @Module annotation to define a class that acts as a module for dependency injection.

Here’s a more detailed explanation of why the @Provides annotation is used:

  1. Dependency Injection (DI): Dependency injection is a design pattern that promotes loose coupling between components in an application. It allows you to separate the creation and management of dependencies from the classes that require them. Instead of creating dependencies directly within a class, they are provided from external sources.
  2. Modules: In Hilt, modules are classes annotated with @Module that define how to create and provide instances of dependencies. They act as a configuration layer for the dependency injection framework. Modules can contain one or more methods annotated with @Provides.
  3. Providing Dependencies: The @Provides annotation is used to annotate methods within modules that are responsible for providing instances of dependencies. These methods are typically named after the dependency they provide. For example, if you have a class Foo that requires an instance of Bar, you can define a @Provides method in a module that creates and returns an instance of Bar.
  4. Binding Annotations: In addition to @Provides, Hilt also supports binding annotations such as @Named or custom annotations to differentiate between multiple @Provides methods that provide the same type of dependency. Binding annotations help resolve conflicts when multiple dependencies of the same type are required.
  5. Configuration and Customization: By using the @Provides annotation, you have control over how dependencies are created and provided. You can customize the creation logic, use different implementations based on conditions, or incorporate external libraries and services into the dependency graph.


Let’s consider a scenario where we have a UserService interface and a UserServiceImpl class that implements it. The UserServiceImpl requires a UserApiService dependency to interact with a remote API. We'll use Hilt's @Provides annotation to provide these dependencies.

First, let’s define the UserService interface:

interface UserService {
fun getUsers(): List<User>

Next, we have the UserServiceImpl class that implements the UserService interface:

class UserServiceImpl @Inject constructor(private val userApiService: UserApiService) : UserService {
override fun getUsers(): List<User> {
// Implementation to fetch users using userApiService
// ...

Now, let’s create a Hilt module, UserModule, to provide the necessary dependencies:

object UserModule {
fun provideUserService(userServiceImpl: UserServiceImpl): UserService {
return userServiceImpl

fun provideUserApiService(): UserApiService {
return UserApiService() // Or obtain it from a network library

In the UserModule, we define the provideUserService() method annotated with @Provides, which provides an instance of UserService. We specify the concrete implementation UserServiceImpl as a parameter.

We also define the provideUserApiService() method annotated with @Provides, which provides an instance of UserApiService. In this example, we create a new instance of UserApiService within the method, but you can also obtain it from a network library like Retrofit.

Now use in MainActivity;

class MyActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
lateinit var userService: UserService

override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
// Use the injected dependency

I hope it was useful. You can follow me on my social media accounts.







Written by ibrahimcanerdogan

Hi, My name is Ibrahim, I am developing ebebek android app within Ebebek. I publish various articles in the field of programming and self-improvement.

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